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Villa Maria Open House provides personalized experience – As Seen on the

By October 25, 2021No Comments

Villa Maria College will host an open house event on Saturday, November 6, with the promise of a personalized experience for each visitor.

Attendees will tour the campus through the lens of their specific area of interest so they can discover what an education at Villa Maria might look like for them. Student ambassadors and members of both faculty and the administration will be ready and waiting to provide a customized experience to prospective students and their parents.

The event is a reflection of the college itself, which provides students with a unique academic experience.

Villa Maria offers students traditional areas of academic study, like business administration, occupational or physical therapy, psychology and liberal arts. But recently the college has added game design (the only program of its kind in Western New York), community health and motion design to its existing array of specialized studies which also includes digital filmmaking, animation and interior design, among other offerings.

Class sizes are small, with a student/teacher ratio of 9:1. The school’s new Books Included program means that textbooks and special supplies for programs like art are included with tuition. Additionally, the school’s administration is dedicated to helping students find and retain financial aid; over 99% of Villa Maria students receive aid in some form.

Schedule an Open House tour online today at, or contact Villa Maria College’s Director of Admissions, Becky Strathearn. She can be reached by phone at 716.961.1805, or by email at [email protected].

Register for Fall Open House here:

Villa Maria Fall Open House
240 Pine Ridge Rd., Buffalo
Saturday, November 6
10 a.m. to noon

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